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Aliger gallus, empty shell

Rooster-tail conch

Caribbean, Bonaire 2021
Dive site: Oil slick


Aliger gigas

Queen conch

Caribbean, Bonaire 2021
Dive site: Bari (night dive)


Aliger gigas, empty shell

Queen conch

Caribbean, Bonaire 2021
Dive site: Kalabas (night dive)


Aliger gigas

Queen conch

Caribbean, Bonaire 2021
Dive site: Andrea 2

FMI-165 Red-mouthed stromb, Conomurex luhuanus

Conomurex luhuanus

Red-mouthed stromb

Cebu, the Philippines 2007
house reef Magic island (night dive)


Conomurex luhuanus

Red-mouthed stromb

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: house reef Portulano (night dive)

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IAM-072 Vomer conch, Strombus vomer

Euprotomus bulla

Bubble conch

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
house reef Maluku divers (night dive)

IAM-324 Vomer conch, Strombus vomer

Euprotomus bulla

Bubble conch

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
house reef Maluku divers (night dive)

IL5-263 Bubble conch, Euprotomus bulla

Euprotomus bulla

Bubble conch

Lembeh, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Nudi falls (night dive)

FAN-095 Euprotomus bulla, Bubble conch

Euprotomus bulla

Bubble conch

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: Sea pipe (night dive)


Euprotomus bulla

Bubble conch

Bali, Indonesia 2016
Dive site: Bio rock


Euprotomus bulla

Bubble conch

Romblon, the Philippines 2017
Dive site: Bangug 3 (night dive)


Euprotomus bulla

Bubble conch

Romblon, the Philippines 2017
house reef The three P (night dive)


Euprotomus bulla

Bubble conch

Bangka, Indonesia 2017
house reef Mimpi Indah (night dive)


Euprotomus bulla

Bubble conch

Philippines, Anda 2018
Dive site: Dapdap (night dive)


Euprotomus bulla

Bubble conch

Negros, Philippines 2019
Dive site: Sahara (night dive)

  IAM-287 Vomer conch, Euprotomus vomer

Euprotomus vomer 1

Vomer conch

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
house reef Maluku divers (night dive)

IAM-288 Vomer conch, Euprotomus vomer

Euprotomus vomer 2

Vomer conch

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
house reef Maluku divers (night dive)

FNE-146 Vomer conch, Euprotomus vomer

Euprotomus vomer

Vomer conch

Negros, the Philippines 2012
Dive site: house reef Atlantis (night dive)

FM2-146 Vomer conch, Euprotomus vomer

Euprotomus vomer

Vomer conch

Cebu, the Philippines 2012
house reef Magic island (night dive)

IH2-053 Vomer conch, Euprotomus vomer

Euprotomus vomer

Vomer conch

Halmahera, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Airstrip (night dive)

IH2-156 Vomer conch, Euprotomus vomer

Euprotomus Vomer

Vomer conch

Halmahera, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Airstrip (night dive)


Euprotomus Vomer

Vomer conch

Anilao, the Philippines 2023
Dive site: Sun view (Mural) (night dive)

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EMA-148 Common spider conch, Lambis lambis

Lambis lambis 1

Common spider conch

Marsa alam, Egypt 2012
Dive site: house reef Oasis (night dive)

EMA-025 Common spider conch, Lambis lambis

Lambis lambis 2

Common spider conch

Marsa alam, Egypt 2012
Dive site: house reef Oasis (night dive)


Lambis lambis

Common spider conch

Romblon, the Philippines 2017
Dive site: Bangug talisay


probably Lambis lambis

Common spider conch

Manado Bay, Indonesia 2022
Dive site: Marigani

IRA-330 probably Millipede spider conch, Lambis millepeda

Lambis millepeda

probably Millipede spider conch

Raja ampat, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: house reef Sorido (night dive)

FM2-201 undetermined Lambis sp.

undetermined Lambis sp.


Cebu, the Philippines 2012
house reef Magic island (night dive)

  FMI-042 Freckled stromb, Lentigo lentiginosus

Lentigo lentiginosus

Freckled stromb

Cebu, the Philippines 2007
house reef Magic island (night dive)

IRA-328 Silver conch, Lentigo lentiginosus

Lentigo lentiginosus

Silver conch

Raja ampat, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: house reef Sorido (night dive)


Lentigo pipus

Butterfly conch

Lembeh, Indonesia 2022
Dive site: Teluk kembahu 1


Laevistrombus canarium


Romblon, the Philippines 2023
Dive site: Agnay (night dive)

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IHW-131 unidentified Strombidae

Margistrombus marginatus?


Halmahera, Indonesia 2010
house reef Weda resort (night dive)

IH2-113 undetermined shell, family Strombidae

Margistrombus marginatus?


Halmahera, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Airstrip (night dive)

IH2-056 undetermined shells, family Strombidae

Margistrombus marginatus?


Halmahera, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Airstrip (night dive)


Ministrombus minimus


Anilao, the Philippines 2023
Dive site: Sun view (Mural) (night dive)


Ministrombus variabilis

Variable conch

Lembeh, Indonesia 2022
Dive site: Jari Jari (night dive)


Ministrombus variabilis

Variable conch

Anilao, the Philippines 2023
Dive site: Sun view (Mural) (night dive)


Ophioglossolambis digitata

Finger spider conch

Manado Bay, Indonesia 2022
Dive site: Circus critter 3 (night dive)


Sinustrombus sinuatus

Laciniate conch, juvenile

Bangka, Indonesia 2017
house reef Mimpi Indah (night dive)


Terestrombus terebellatus

Little auger conch

Marsa alam, Egypt 2012
Dive site: house reef Oasis (night dive)

IL3-069 Samar stromb, Tridentarius dentatus 1

Tridentarius dentatus

Samar stromb

Lembeh, Indonesia 2008
Dive site: Tanduk rusa (night dive)

IL3-259 Samar stromb, Tridentarius dentatus 2

Tridentarius dentatus

Samar stromb

Lembeh, Indonesia 2008
Dive site: Tanduk rusa (night dive)


Tridentarius dentatus

Samar stromb

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Laha III (night dive)

IAM-148 Samar stromb, Tridentarius dentatus

Tridentarius dentatus

Samar stromb

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
house reef Maluku divers (night dive)

IAM-152 Samar stromb, Tridentarius dentatus

Tridentarius dentatus

Samar stromb

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
house reef Maluku divers (night dive)

IRA-142 Toothed Conch or Samar Conch, Tridentarius dentatus

Tridentarius dentatus

Toothed Conch or Samar Conch

Raja ampat, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: house reef Kri eco (night dive)


Tridentarius dentatus

Toothed Conch or Samar Conch

Bangka, Indonesia 2017
house reef Mimpi Indah (night dive)


Tridentarius dentatus

Toothed Conch or Samar stromb

Bangka, Indonesia 2017
house reef Mimpi Indah (night dive)


Tridentarius dentatus

Toothed Conch or Samar stromb

Lembeh, Indonesia 2022
Dive site: Air prang (night dive)

IAM-269 unidentified Strombus sp.

undetermined Strombus sp.


Ambon, Indonesia 2010
house reef Maluku divers (night dive)

IL4-111 unidentified Strombus sp.

undetermined Strombus sp. 1


Lembeh, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Hairball (night dive)

IL4-290 unidentified Strombus sp. 2

undetermined Strombus sp. 2


Lembeh, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Hairball (night dive)

FAN-152 family Strombidae, undetermined conch

family Strombidae


Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: Anilao pier (night dive)


family Strombidae


Bali, Indonesia 2016
Tulamben, house reef Ocean view (nd.)


family Strombidae


Romblon, the Philippines 2017
Dive site: Agnay desert (night dive)

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maybe family Strombidae

egg ribbon

Philippines, Anda 2018
Dive site: Larry’s corner


maybe family Strombidae

egg ribbon

Philippines, Anda 2018
Dive site: Larry’s corner