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IL3-033 Sharpsnout snake eel, Apterichtus klazingai

Apterichtus klazingai

Sharpsnout snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2008
Dive site: Teluk kembahu III

IL4-064 Sharpsnout snake eel, Apterichtus klazingai

Apterichtus klazingai

Sharpsnout snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Rojos

FAN-212 Apterichtus klazingai, Sharpsnout snake eel

Apterichtus klazingai

Sharpsnout snake eel

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: Anilao pier (night dive)

FCA-01 Crocodile snake-eel, Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Crocodile snake eel

Cabilao, Philippines 2005
Dive site: Lighthouse

IAM-053 Crocodile snake eel, Brachysomophis crocodilinus 1

Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Crocodile snake eel

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Laha I / II

IAM-078 Crocodile snake eel, Brachysomophis crocodilinus 2

Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Crocodile snake eel

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Laha I / II

IAM-286 juvenile Crocodile snake eel, Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Brachysomophis crocodilinus

juvenile Crocodile snake eel

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
house reef Maluku divers (night dive)

IL4-267 Crocodile snake eel, Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Crocodile snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Madidir

FM2-031 Crocodile snake eel, Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Crocodile snake eel

Cebu, the Philippines 2012
Dive site: Goby point (night dive)

FM2-147 Crocodile snake eel, Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Crocodile snake eel

Cebu, the Philippines 2012
Dive site: Goby point (night dive)

IL5-228 Crocodile snake eel, Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Crocodile snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Teluk kembahu I


Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Crocodile snake eel

Romblon, the Philippines 2017
Dive site: Bangug 3 (night dive)


Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Crocodile snake eel

Anda, the Philippines 2018
Dive site: Dapdap (night dive)


Brachysomophis crocodilinus

Crocodile snake eel

Anda, the Philippines 2018
house reef Magic Oceans (night dive)

IL2-007 Stargazer snake-eel, Brachysomophis cirrocheilos

Brachysomophis cirrocheilos

Stargazer snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2006
Dive site: Kuda laut

IAM-050 Stargazer snake eel, Brachysomophis cirrocheilos

Brachysomophis cirrocheilos

Stargazer snake eel

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Laha I / II

IAM-229 Stargazer snake eel, Brachysomophis cirrocheilos

Brachysomophis cirrocheilos

Stargazer snake eel

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
house reef Maluku divers (night dive)

IHW-205 Stargazer snake eel, Brachysomophis cirrocheilos

Brachysomophis cirrocheilos

Stargazer snake eel

Halmahera, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Mining jetty (night dive)

IH2-162 Stargazer snake eel, Brachysomophis cirrocheilos

Brachysomophis cirrocheilos

Stargazer snake eel

Halmahera, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Airstrip (night dive)

IL5-202 Stargazer snake eel, Brachysomophis cirrocheilos 2

Brachysomophis cirrocheilos 1

Stargazer snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Pantai parigi

IL5-201 Stargazer snake eel, Brachysomophis cirrocheilos 1

Brachysomophis cirrocheilos 2

Stargazer snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Pantai parigi

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FMI-109 Reptilian snake eel, Brachysomophis henshawi 1

Brachysomophis henshawi 1

Reptilian snake eel

Cebu, the Philippines 2007
house reef Magic Island (night dive)

FMI-111 Reptilian snake eel, Brachysomophis henshawi 3

Brachysomophis henshawi 2

Reptilian snake eel

Cebu, the Philippines 2007
house reef Magic Island (night dive)

FMI-110 Reptilian snake eel, Brachysomophis henshawi 2

Brachysomophis henshawi 3

Reptilian snake eel

Cebu, the Philippines 2007
house reef Magic Island (night dive)

IBA-116 juvenile reptilian snake eel, Brachysomophis henshawi

Brachysomophis henshawi

juvenile Reptilian snake eel

Bali, Indonesia 2009
Dive site: Turtle neck (night dive)

IL4-146 juvenile Reptilian snake eel, Brachysomophis henshawi 1

Brachysomophis henshawi 1

juvenile Reptilian snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Serena basar (night dive)

IL4-013 juvenile Reptilian snake eel, Brachysomophis henshawi 2

Brachysomophis henshawi 2

juvenile Reptilian snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Serena basar (night dive)

FM2-028 juvenile Reptilian snake eel, Brachysomophis henshawi

Brachysomophis henshawi

Reptilian snake eel

Cebu, the Philippines 2012
Dive site: Goby point (night dive)

IL5-031 Reptilian snake eel, Brachysomophis henshawi

Brachysomophis henshawi

Reptilian snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Horse shoe (night dive)


Brachysomophis henshawi 1

Reptilian snake eel

Bangka, Indonesia 2017
house reef Mimpi Indah (night dive)


Brachysomophis henshawi 2

Reptilian snake eel

Bangka, Indonesia 2017
house reef Mimpi Indah (night dive)


Brachysomophis henshawi

Reptilian snake eel

Anda, the Philippines 2018
Dive site: Dapdap (night dive)


Brachysomophis henshawi

Reptilian snake eel

Negros, the Philippines 2019
Dive site: District II (night dive)


Brachysomophis henshawi

Reptilian snake eel

Negros, the Philippines 2019
Dive site: District II


Brachysomophis henshawi

Reptilian snake eel

Negros, the Philippines 2019
Dive site: District II (night dive)


Callechelys guineensis

Short-tail snake eel

Caribbean, Bonaire 2013
Dive site: Tori's reef

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IL3-124 Spotfin frogfish, Antennatus nummifer with Marbled snake eel, Callechelys marmorata

Callechelys marmorata

Marbled snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2008
Dive site: Teluk kembahu III

EMA-060 Marbled snake eel, Callechelys marmorata

Callechelys marmorata

Marbled snake eel

Marsa Alam, Egypt 2012
Dive site: Marsa murena

FAN-299 Callechelys marmorata, Marbled snake eel

Callechelys marmorata

Marbled snake eel

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: house reef Portulano (night dive)


Callechelys marmorata

Marbled snake eel

Bali, Indonesia 2016
Dive site: Secret bay


Callechelys marmoratus

Marbled snake eel

Anda, the Philippines 2018
Dive site: Secret place


Callechelys marmoratus

Marbled snake eel

Bali, Indonesia 2024
Dive site: Puri jati

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BON-015 Sharptail eel, Myrichthys breviceps

Myrichthys breviceps

Sharptail eel

Caribbean, Bonaire 2013
Dive site: Tori's reef


Myrichthys breviceps

Sharptail eel

Caribbean, Bonaire 2021
Dive site: Vista blue


Myrichthys ocellatus

Goldspotted eel

Caribbean, Bonaire 2021
Dive site: Windsock (night dive)

IL3-221 Banded or Harlequin snake eel, Myrichthys colubrinus

Myrichthys colubrinus

Barred (or Banded) snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2008
Dive site: Air prang

FAN-251 Myrichthys colubrinus, Barred snake eel

Myrichthys colubrinus

Barred (or Harlequin) snake eel

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: Secret bay


Myrichthys colubrinus

Barred (or Harlequin) snake eel

Romblon, the Philippines 2017
Dive site: Sand slope

EMA-243 Tiger snake eel, Myrichthys maculosus

Myrichthys maculosus

Tiger snake eel

Marsa alam, Egypt 2012
Dive site: house reef Oasis (night dive)


Myrichthys paleracio 1

Whitenose snake eel

Bali, Indonesia 2024
Dive site: Sidem


Myrichthys paleracio 2

Whitenose snake eel

Bali, Indonesia 2024
Dive site: Sidem

  IBA-001 Napoleon snake eel, Ophichthus bonaparti

Ophichthus bonaparti

Napoleon snake eel

Bali, Indonesia 2009
Dive site: Menjangan, Garden eel point

IBA-158 Napoleon snake eel, Ophichthus bonaparti

Ophichthus bonaparti 1

Napoleon snake eel

Bali, Indonesia 2009
Dive site: Secret bay

IBA-015 Napoleon snake eel, Ophichthus bonaparti

Ophichthus bonaparti 2

Napoleon snake eel

Bali, Indonesia 2009
Dive site: Secret bay

IAM-051 Napoleon snake eel, Ophichthus bonaparti

Ophichthus bonaparti

Napoleon snake eel

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Laha I / II

IHW-069 Napoleon snake eel, Ophichthus bonaparti

Ophichthus bonaparti

Napoleon snake eel

Halmahera, Indonesia 2010
house reef Weda resort (night dive)

IL4-035 Napoleon snake eel, Ophichthus bonaparti

Ophichthus bonaparti

Napoleon snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Tanduk rusa

IB2-332 one-eyed Napoleon snake eel, Ophichthus bonaparti

Ophichthus bonaparti

one-eyed Napoleon snake eel

Bali, Indonesia 2011
Dive site: Seraya

IL5-069 Napoleon snake eel, Ophichthus bonaparti

Ophichthus bonaparti 1

Napoleon snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Air prang (night dive)

IL5-230 Napoleon snake eel, Ophichthus bonaparti

Ophichthus bonaparti 2

Napoleon snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Air prang (night dive)

FAN-077 Ophichthus bonaparti, Napoleon snake eel

Ophichthus bonaparti

Napoleon snake eel

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: Sea pipe

FAN-096 Ophichthus bonaparti, Napoleon snake eel

Ophichthus bonaparti

Napoleon snake eel

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: Sea pipe (night dive)


Ophichthus bonaparti

Napoleon snake eel

Anda, the Philippines 2018
Dive site: Secret place


Ophichthus bonaparti

Napoleon snake eel

Manado bay, Indonesia 2022
Dive site: Popoh


Ophichthus bonaparti

Napoleon snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2022
Dive site: Air prang (night dive)

IL2-019 Black-finned snake eel, Ophichthus altipennis with periclimenes magnificus

Ophichthus altipennis

Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2006
Dive site: Teluk kembahu III

IL1-39 juvenile Black-finned snake-eel, Ophichthus altipennis

Ophichthus altipennis

juvenile Highfin snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2002
Divesite: Batu putih

IL3-308 Black-finned snake eel, Ophichthus altipennis

Ophichthus altipennis

Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2008
Dive site: Tanduk rusa (night dive)

IBA-152 Black-finned snake eel, Ophichthus altipennis

Ophichthus altipennis

Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel

Bali, Indonesia 2009
Dive site: Secret bay

IAM-222 juvenile Black-finned snake eel, Ophichthus melanochir

Ophichthus altipennis

juvenile Highfin snake eel?

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
house reef Maluku divers (night dive)

IL4-249 Black-finned snake eel, Ophichthus altipennis

Ophichthus altipennis

Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Jahir (night dive)

IL4-136 Highfin snake eel, Ophichthus altipennis

Ophichthus altipennis

Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Kuda laut I

FM2-277 Black-finned snake eel, Ophichthus altipennis

Ophichthus altipennis

Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel

Cebu, the Philippines 2012
Dive site: Goby point (night dive)

IL5-071 Highfin snake eel, Ophichthus altipennis

Ophichthus altipennis

Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Air prang (night dive)

IL5-044 Highfin snake eel, Ophichthus altipennis 1

Ophichthus altipennis

Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Pantai parigi

IL5-200 Highfin snake eel, Ophichthus altipennis 2

Ophichthus altipennis

Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Pantai parigi

FAN-264 Ophichthus altipennis, Highfin or Black-finned snake eel

Ophichthus altipennis

Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: Anilao pier (night dive)

FAN-045_Ophichthus_altipennis_with_Lissocarcinus laevis

Ophichthus altipennis

Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: Anilao pier (night dive)


Ophichthus altipennis

Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel

Negros, the Philippines 2019
Dive site: District II (night dive)


Ophichthus altipennis

Highfin (or Black-finned) snake eel

Lembeh, Indonesia 2022
Dive site: Bianca

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FCA-07 Dark-shouldered snake eel, Ophichthus cephalozona

Ophichthus cephalozona

Dark-shouldered snake eel

Cabilao, the Philippines 2005
Dive site: Lighthouse


Ophisurus serpens

Serpent eel

Western Australia 2020
Dive site: Coogee marina, north wall (night dive)