By species Rokus Groeneveld & Sanne Reijs  
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Cephalopods are the highest developed member of the mollusks; related to, for example, shells and nudibranch. The name Cephalopods comes from the Greek and means head / foot. The main members are octopus, squid and cuttlefish, but also the seldom seen nautilus and argonauts are part of it. There are over 800 different species, all marine; there are no fresh water species.

Cephalopods are often hard to determinate, also because most Cephalopods posses the ability to change color. They do that by their Chromatophores, pigment-containing and light-reflecting cells, also found in amphibians, fish, reptiles, crustaceans. Sometimes the flash of a strobe makes them change color instantly. Next to that, a lot of Cephalopods, especially squid and cuttlefish, also use Bioluminescence produced by bacterial symbionts.
IL3-152 Berry's bobtail squid, Euprymna berryi 1

Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Lembeh, Indonesia 2008
Dive site: Tanduk rusa (night dive)

IL3-153 Berry's bobtail squid, Euprymna berryi 2

Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Lembeh, Indonesia 2008
Dive site: Jarijari (night dive)

IL3-295 Berry's bobtail squid, Euprymna berryi 2

Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Lembeh, Indonesia 2008
Dive site: Jarijari (night dive)

IGI-39 Berry's bobtail squid, Euprymna berryi

Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Bali, Indonesia 2009
Stingray, Gili Trawangan (night dive)

IAM-113 Berry's bobtail squid, Euprymna berryi

Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Laha III (night dive)

IL4-038 Berry's bobtail squid, Euprymna berryi

Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Lembeh, Indonesia 2010
Dive site: Jarijari (night dive)

FNE-147 Berry's bobtail squid, Euprymna berry

Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Negros, the Philippines 2012
house reef Magic Island (night dive)

FM2-005 Berry's bobtail squid, Euprymna berryi

Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Negros, the Philippines 2012
Dive site: house reef Atlantis (night dive)

IH2-065 Berry's bobtail squid, Euprymna berryi

Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Halmahera, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Airstrip (night dive)

IRA-097 Berry's bobtail squid, Euprymna berryi

sub-adult Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Raja ampat, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: house reef Sorido (night dive)

FAN-085 Euprymna berryi, Berry's bobtail squid

Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: Anilao pier (night dive)

FAN-383 Euprymna berryi, Berry's bobtail squid

Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: Anilao pier (night dive)

FAN-147 Euprymna berryi, Berry's bobtail squid 2

Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: Anilao pier (night dive)

FAN-427 dot of ink from Euprymna berryi, Berry's bobtail squid

Euprymna berryi

Dot of ink from Berry's bobtail squid

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: Anilao pier (night dive)


Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Anilao, the Philippines 2017
Dive site: Bangug 3 (night dive)


Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Romblon, the Philippines 2017
Dive site: Agnay desert (night dive)


Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Bangka, Indonesia 2017
house reef Mimpi Indah (night dive)


Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Anda, the Philippines 2018
Dive site: Dapdap (night dive)


Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid 1

Negros, the Philippines 2019
Dive site: Dauin north (night dive)


Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid 2

Negros, the Philippines 2019
Dive site: Dauin north (night dive)


Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Negros, the Philippines 2019
Dive site: Dauin north (night dive)


Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Lembeh, Indonesia 2022
Dive site: Pantai parigi (night dive)


Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Manado Bay, Indonesia 2022
Dive site: Circus critter 1 (night dive)


Euprymna berryi

Berry's bobtail squid

Anilao, the Philippines 2023
Dive site: Anilao pier (night dive)


Euprymna tasmanica

Southern bobtail squid

Australia, Victoria 2018
Dive site: Blairgowrie pier (night dive)


Euprymna tasmanica

Southern bobtail squid

South Australia 2018
Dive site: Edithburg jetty (night dive)


Euprymna tasmanica

Southern bobtail squid

Western Australia 2020
Dive site: Point peron (night dive)


Euprymna tasmanica

Southern bobtail squid

Australia, New South Wales 2023
Dive site: Clifton gardens (night dive)


Sepiadarium austrinum

Southern bottletail

Western Australia 2020
Dive site: Ammo jetty (night dive)


Sepiadarium austrinum

Southern bottletail

Australia, New South Wales 2023
Dive site: Clifton gardens (night dive)

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IAM-172 Tropical bottletail squid, Sepiadarium kochi

Sepiadarium kochi

Tropical bottletail squid

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
house reef Maluku divers (night dive)

IAM-296 Tropical bottletail squid, Sepiadarium kochi

Sepiadarium kochi

Tropical bottletail squid

Ambon, Indonesia 2010
house reef Maluku divers (night dive)

FNE-051 Tropical bottletail squid, Sepiadarium kochi

Sepiadarium kochi

Tropical bottletail squid

Negros, the Philippines 2012
Dive site: San Miguel (night dive)

IH2-070 juvenile Tropical bottletail squid, Sepiadarium kochi

Sepiadarium kochi

juvenile Tropical bottletail squid

Halmahera, Indonesia 2014
Dive site: Airstrip (night dive)

FAN-026 Sepiadarium kochi, Kochs bottletail squid 1

Sepiadarium kochi

Tropical bottletail squid 1

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: Anilao pier (night dive)

FAN-027 Sepiadarium kochi, Kochs bottletail squid 2

Sepiadarium kochi

Tropical bottletail squid 2

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: Anilao pier (night dive)

FAN-404 Sepiadarium kochi, Kochs bottletail squid

Sepiadarium kochi

Tropical bottletail squid

Anilao, the Philippines 2015
Dive site: house reef Portulano (night dive)


Sepiadarium kochi

Tropical bottletail squid

Anilao, the Philippines 2017
Dive site: Agnay desert (night dive)


Sepiadarium kochi

Tropical bottletail squid

Negros, the Philippines 2019
Dive site: District II (night dive)


Sepiadarium kochi

Tropical bottletail squid

Romblon, the Philippines 2023
Dive site: Bangug 4


Sepiadarium sp.

Lace bottletail squid 1

South Australia 2018
Dive site: Port Hughes jetty


Sepiadarium sp.

Lace bottletail squid 2

South Australia 2018
Dive site: Port Hughes jetty


Sepiadarium sp.

Lace bottletail squid 1

South Australia 2018
Dive site: Edithburg jetty


Sepiadarium sp.

Lace bottletail squid 2

South Australia 2018
Dive site: Edithburg jetty


Sepioloidea lineolata 1

Pyjama squid

South Australia 2018
Dive site: Edithburg jetty


Sepioloidea lineolata 2

Pyjama squid

South Australia 2018
Dive site: Edithburg jetty


Sepioloidea lineolata 3

Pyjama squid

South Australia 2018
Dive site: Edithburg jetty

Most divers know that Blue ringed octopus (Hapalochlaena sp.) are venomous. Their bite is highly toxic and can cause death.
There are two other known poisonous cephalopods. The Flamboyant cuttlefish (Metasepia pfefferi) and the Striped pyjama squid (S. lineolata). But in a different way.
The Striped pyjama squid has glands underneath it's body that can secrete a toxic slime whenever it is being attacked.
You would have to eat a Flamboyant cuttlefish to experience the negative effects.

Sepioloidea lineolata 4

Pyjama squid

South Australia 2018
Dive site: Edithburg jetty


Sepioloidea lineolata

Pyjama squid eggs (right)

South Australia 2018
Dive site: Edithburg jetty


Sepioloidea lineolata

Pyjama squid

South Australia 2018
Dive site: Edithburg jetty (night dive)


Sepioloidea lineolata

Pyjama squid

South Australia 2018
Dive site: Edithburg jetty (night dive)


Sepioloidea lineolata

Pyjama squid

South Australia 2018
Dive site: Edithburg jetty (night dive)


Sepioloidea lineolata

Pyjama squid eggs

South Australia 2018
Dive site: Edithburg jetty


Sepioloidea lineolata 1

Pyjama squid

Western Australia 2020
Dive site: Ammo jetty (night dive)


Sepioloidea lineolata 2

Pyjama squid

Western Australia 2020
Dive site: Ammo jetty (night dive)


Sepioloidea lineolata

Pyjama squid eggs

Western Australia 2020
Dive site: Kwinana grain terminal


Sepioloidea lineolata

Pyjama squid

Western Australia 2020
Dive site: Ammo jetty (night dive)


Sepioloidea lineolata

Pyjama squid

Western Australia 2020
Dive site: Ammo jetty (night dive)


Sepioloidea lineolata

Pyjama squid

Australia, New South Wales 2023
Dive site: Clifton gardens (night dive)


Sepioloidea lineolata

Pyjama squid

Australia, New South Wales 2023
Dive site: Clifton gardens (night dive)